Kemi Abodunrin – CEO, Acquapro Services

Kemi Abodunrin, the Chief Executive Officer of Acquapro Services and the brain behind Thermoboxng quit her job in the Banking Industry in 2012 with the desire to float a business. Her major catalyst for change, however, was when she realized the gap of hospitality in Nigerian health institutions. This challenge lay the ground for Kemi’s enterprise to spring to life. After she received the YEO Women Entrepreneurship & Empowerment seed grant in 2017, the graduate of Accounting proceeded to sell thermo products, insulated menu trays and coolers to professional caterers and individuals.

With a deep desire to make a difference in how patients were served food in health institutions, she soon extended her services to a wider clientele base including St. Nicholas, Chevron clinic, UCH private wards, R-Jolad plus wards, IFPF Maryland, Central Bank Abuja, Oleander hospitality and catering. “The rewarding part of my business is being a solution provider. You cannot imagine the joy that comes to making things easier for food handlers. I remember the day I walked into St. Nicholas and the Matron gave me a very long hug.” Today, Acquapro services is a registered enterprise with a mission to transform the health sector in Africa.

We celebrate the giant strides of this YEO Ambassador.